The Advantages Of Hiring A Crane
Cranes are a vital piece of equipment when your project includes any type of building construction. It’s likely you’ll be required to perform heavy lifts from one location to another. If you are planning a lift, hiring a crane and operator to work on your site will ensure the safe transportation of various machineries and tools.
Synergy Lifting Solutions Ltd offer a wide range of cranes for hire in Glasgow and nationwide. Whatever your specific requirements, we can always find the best option to suit your project. Our crane hire equipment is of the highest standard and there is a huge selection of equipment to choose from.
The Advantages Of Crane Hire
Crane hire has become very popular, as it is both affordable and convenient. Modern cranes have evolved into mobile cranes, which allow you to transport heavy objects much easier, safer and securely. Crane hire is one of the best options for heavy lifting projects and there are a range of cranes available for this purpose.
Quite possibly the biggest advantage of crane hire is that they are flexible enough to move a high amount of machinery and material from one location to another, meaning this will contribute massively to an increase in production and productivity. Besides, they have the capacity to work under all weather conditions. Some of the other many advantages include:
By choosing crane hire, you avoid the high price of insurance that comes with owning a crane. By choosing crane hire you will already get insurance and therefore when repairs are needed you will not need to cover for this.
Repairs and Maintenance
Repairs and maintenance are two of the most important aspects when it comes to any machinery. When using crane hire you will not need to worry about repair and maintenance as this will be covered under your rental agreement. Hiring a crane also provides access to support services.
No storage space needed
When you require crane hire you will only need to find space for a limited amount of time. If you purchase a crane, you will need to focus on security and maintenance when storing it.
Cost -effective
The price for crane hire is much lower than the cost of buying a crane outright, making it accessible to all industries. All cranes provided are insured and this helps if you have any problems with your crane.
Requires less time
You can save a lot of time in construction with the use of crane hire as cranes hold a great level of strength, enabling them to complete work at a much faster.
CPA Crane Hire
‘ CPA’ stands for Construction Plant Hire Association and means all crane hire companies must adhere to the CPA guidelines. Part of the CPA guidelines is that it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure the welfare of the crane operator as well as the safe operation of the crane.
When hiring a crane through CPA crane hire, the hiring company are responsible for the following:
1. Providing a fully working crane for hire
2. Supplying a fully certified and competent crane operator
3. Providing a tested and certified crane